Friday, October 10, 2008

So much for "habit"...

It's not as if there isn't anything to write about.  Maybe there's too much.

1.  Economy - scary.  Not hopeless if you're creative and willing to put in the effort.
2.  Politics - disgusting.  That's why I've decided that I am subscribing to the anarchism political philosophy.  I'll start running for office and my first act upon election will be to abolish my position.
3.  Church - or as they call it in the 'hood... "chuch"... exciting, hopeful, strong.  Undoubtedly, the highlight of my life.
4.  Family - thank heaven I have one.  And they're good and supportive.  
5.  Work - tough and rewarding.  And that's what brings people together.  We have a good team and that's what it is all about.
6.  Soccer - analogy for life.  Brings joy and brings pain.  People make it fun, brutal, challenging and possible.
7.  Mantra - "Joy in the Journey" - thanks President Monson.
8.  Prayer - It works.  Do it.  And try to get better at it.  Best advice regarding prayer:  If you don't feel like praying, get on your knees and pray until you do.
9.  Dogs - Woman's best friend.  Can't imagine life without them.  It would be very boring.
10.  Music - Evocative.  It has the power to conjure up almost any thought, memory, emotion or feeling.  It is the universal expression and it transcends language.  When humans get to the point where we don't need language to communicate, our means will probably be through music.

Now I've got 10 more posts all lined up.  We'll see what happens.

Monday, September 15, 2008

I live in Clayton County, GA ... don't tell anyone.

Actually, don't tell anyone that I don't mind living in Clayton County.  Every locality has their problems.  It's just that ours frequently make the national news.  You gotta give it to our little enclave ... there is some entertainment value.  The Atlanta Journal Constitution would sell NO PAPERS if it weren't for us.

The major problem we're dealing with at this time is the abysmal school system.  Our claim to fame is being the first school district to lose accreditation in the last 40 years.  If I'm not mistaken, the last time a district's accreditation was revoked was due to their refusal to integrate.  I would venture to say that the current crisis has been brought on as a backlash to the discriminatory nature of education back then.  The swing in political power from white to black has led to the inundation of black politicians who thought that they could be just like the white politicians - powerful and corrupt.  Well, they did manage that part.  However, they forgot about one small detail - they still have to govern.  That is, actually run things and fill the position for which they've been elected.

There are layers and layers of intrigue involved here.  It's quite entertaining.  You couldn't write a script with this many twists and turns.  

As I mentioned in a previous post, I like to browse the local blog and occasionally through in my 2 cents.  Here's the latest - my suggestions for the school district.  Somewhat tongue-in-cheek, but also half serious.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Challenge

It's been rumored that it takes 21 days to establish a habit.  My effort at consistent writing is far from being a habit.  Occasionally I'll vent on the local newspaper's blog or forum.  Or throw in my two cents worth on the soccer forum.  Of course, in my humble opinion, my postings are highly intelligent, thoughtful and stimulating.  Why doesn't anyone recognize this?  Alas, that brilliance just lingers there, yet to be acclaimed.

Sadly, where there was once so much promise and skill, and dare I say, even talent, that muscle has lost its strength due to its inactivity.  So whether it's a paragraph or even just a sentence, it is my challenge to write something at least once a week.  With any determination, that should become even more regular.  

It's been 25+ years since the budding author had an audience.  And just because it is written doesn't make it worthy of reading.  I would just like to be the consistent writer that I once was.  If only for my own benefit and emotional well being.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Personal blog entry #1 - Height of creativity!

Ok, so the brilliance is just uh, so... brilliant... I know.  So my latest foray into the blogosphere is less than stimulating.  

Well, it's not for everyone else anyway.  Not to say that you're not welcome to peruse.  It's just that it's pretty tame stuff.  You may learn a new vocabulary word or something.   Entertainment ... well, it depends on what rant I may venture off into at that point.  I'm not one for hysterics or even being remotely histrionic.  Like I said, pretty tame.

Maybe this will bring out the controversial edge that is dying to get out.

Ahhhh, the anonymity of the internet.  Except that I'll sign this one.  Who knows, my true self may even come out through this medium.

We'll see.  More later.