Thursday, September 29, 2011

Well, since no one reads this anyway ...

... I might as well post all of those intemperate thoughts that come to me at random times. It usually has something to do with religion or politics, two topics that really aren't the best to bring up among decent company. And both of which usually lead to anger or hard feelings.

If you are not prepared to hear MY unvarnished truth, as *I* see it, then read no further. Certainly your comments are welcome (in the event that you happen to actually read this) and certainly I can be open to thoughtful, logical discourse. If your feelings tend to be easily hurt when others disagree with you or if you're looking to pick a fight, take it somewhere else.
Thank you.

So let me tell you how I really feel. Our current government leaders are scheisse. Self-serving, myopic, dishonest, out-of-touch, dishonorable, etc. etc. That is from Obama on down.

But you know what? We got what we deserve. As long as WE are self-serving, myopic, dishonest, out-of-touch, dishonorable, etc. etc. that is EXACTLY what we will get - a reflection of ourselves. I am sad and disgusted when I see the hordes of 'sheep-ple' following blindly the leaders that they vote for. And instead of holding them accountable for doing what is best for the country, state or municipality, the "constituents" look for freebies and perks to benefit themselves only. See? We are what we elect.

Many people are just too stupid to have a vote, I think. If they can't hold down a job, pay taxes, contribute to society, then how can they be trusted to select our representatives? And since those who are currently sucking off the teat of the benevolence of the American taxpayer nearly equal the number of those supporting them, we are in a world of trouble. This "forced charity" just simply pisses me off. If the government is willing to force me, at gunpoint and with threat of prison, to pay into this dysfunctional system, then why can't we change this system to force those who are the leeches and parasites on the ass of the system, at gunpoint or with threat of prison, to support themselves and their dependents?

I don't buy the sob stories anymore. I don't buy the low expectations anymore. "Oh, those poor people ... wah, wah, wah..." Go ahead and treat people like they are poor and they will continue to feel poor, act poor, think poor. And if your agenda is served by that (the dependency you create, the greater your job security), then I totally understand your condescending perspective. However, as a social service professional, I would LOVE to see a day when my job is obsolete. Unfortunately, thanks to the perpetual stream of government give-a-ways and the endless supply of people waiting in line to snatch them up, that will NOT happen in my lifetime.

So I guess when we eventually go back to primitive living conditions and each has to be self-sufficient, we'll see who really can survive. Because that's where we're headed. We can't continue under the enormous weight of our selfishness and short-sightedness. And we can't survive leaders who can't say "NO." Think of how that affects your own household, then put that on a exponential scale of 300 million people.

But those politicians don't have to worry about that ... they are in their own personal bubbles of affluence, with their special pensions and healthcare plans. Their kids go to private schools, while they rant about the RIGHT of every child to a QUALITY PUBLIC EDUCATION. Those three words can seldom be used in the same sentence, much less in the same phrase. I'd love to see Obama or Hillary or Romney spend a day in the classroom of a typical kindergarten teacher, who has an unruly student that throws books at the teacher and punches his fellow students in the stomach. Those politicians DO NOT have a clue. They just have an agenda.

Yes, I'm disgusted. There are VERY FEW, if any, elected officials that warrant my respect. They are sleazy, incompetent and cowardly. Which is not much better than I can say for many of the people who vote for them.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A side of Elephant with that Bowl of Ramen?

With the soccer season quickly approaching, "free" Saturdays are about to disappear. So with that reality looming, yesterday was going to be the day to get things done around the Ponderosa. Well, when a wrong number called - TWICE - after midnight the previous night, six o'clock rolled around pretty early. Too early.

Then there were the brakes on the car that needed attention. (You know the old saying, the squeaky brakes get the grease ... or something like that.) There went the morning. Then an opportunity to obtain some free firewood that ulti
mately turned into an opportunity to brighten someone's day extended a seemingly mundane task into an afternoon adventure.

Still summer days offer much more daylight and yard work was finally incorporated into the schedule (after a trip to the DIY toystore.) A late start meant working until it was too dark to see the curb I was edging by hand. And yes, my muscles are complaining bitterly today.

And so, my effort to get back into the writing mode ... it's like eating an elephant... one story, one anecdote, one observation, one object lesson, one rant, at a time. So after a quick dinner, the writing begins again.

Friday, August 12, 2011

So much for a writing career

Hey there blogosphere... long time, no see.

Sadly, as of late, my writing contributions have been limited to 140 characters. Or a random comment or "like" on Facebook. It is really hard to imagine that I was once a prolific writer. And paid to do it as well. That was over 30 years ago. Yep, it's been a minute.

A journal sits collecting dust on my bookshelf. It contains the angst, the guilt, the desires of a misguided young adulthood. Perhaps that is why the writing muscle lost its flex. The writing for venting's sake seemed like a pretty shallow purpose. Beyond that self-centered focus ("Oh, wo is me!") writing did not amount to anything other than a necessary task related to school or work.

Not only that, the pangs of self doubt nag with the idea that there are so many others out there who are much more accomplished in this endeavor. Sure, I'm clever ... but someone else is clever-er. Sure, I'm literate ... but someone else has a much better knack for words. And I don't feel even mildly interesting as far as what I might opine or information that I might share.

So will it take a sense of duty, an
obligation, to finally get off the stick and WRITE? Can I write just for the fun of it? To express those deep-seated insights screaming to see the light of day? To share emotion, knowledge, hopes and even fears?

Or will this end up being my ONE blog post of 2011?

Maybe this will help.