Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Challenge

It's been rumored that it takes 21 days to establish a habit.  My effort at consistent writing is far from being a habit.  Occasionally I'll vent on the local newspaper's blog or forum.  Or throw in my two cents worth on the soccer forum.  Of course, in my humble opinion, my postings are highly intelligent, thoughtful and stimulating.  Why doesn't anyone recognize this?  Alas, that brilliance just lingers there, yet to be acclaimed.

Sadly, where there was once so much promise and skill, and dare I say, even talent, that muscle has lost its strength due to its inactivity.  So whether it's a paragraph or even just a sentence, it is my challenge to write something at least once a week.  With any determination, that should become even more regular.  

It's been 25+ years since the budding author had an audience.  And just because it is written doesn't make it worthy of reading.  I would just like to be the consistent writer that I once was.  If only for my own benefit and emotional well being.

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