Just to reflect on a positive note this evening... here are some things that I think are just swell. If you're unfamiliar or haven't considered any of these, then I would highly recommend that you check into them right away because you don't know what you're missing.
- Flan (or any custard, for that matter) No need for explanation here.
- A swimming pool with a water temp of around 85 F - cool enough to be refreshing, warm enough to jump right in without having to "get used to it."
- Rottweiler dogs - pretty smart, protective, strong, loyal, total clowns. (I think dogs in general are pretty cool. Even the little yappy ones.)
- The Georgian sky - there is nothing like looking up on a clear, bright day and noticing how absolutely blue and beautiful the sky is. Set against the dark green of the countless pine trees, the sky in Georgia never ceases to take my breath away.
- Mountains - speaking of breathtaking beauty, I just love mountains. You know how you are either a beach person or a mountain person? (sure, you can love both, but everyone loves one just a LITTLE BIT more than the other...) Well, I am a mountain person, especially vistas and views. Nothing like it. You really get a glimpse of how grand and beautiful this earth really is and come to a much greater appreciation for God's creation. As a friend once put it, being on the top of a mountain helps you feel closer to God. I couldn't agree more.
- Anything fried - aside from the fact that I love food in general, fried food is my guilty pleasure. If it can withstand hot oil, it should be fried. Coated, batter-dipped and fried is a totally under-appreciated art form.
That is just to name a few. There are many more and I will explore this thread at some other time. I'd love to hear what others may wish to laud for whatever reason. The world is too full of wonderful things to not take a moment to show appreciation by telling others about our likes and loves.
You've Come A Long Way, Baby!
11 years ago
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