Saturday, August 13, 2011

A side of Elephant with that Bowl of Ramen?

With the soccer season quickly approaching, "free" Saturdays are about to disappear. So with that reality looming, yesterday was going to be the day to get things done around the Ponderosa. Well, when a wrong number called - TWICE - after midnight the previous night, six o'clock rolled around pretty early. Too early.

Then there were the brakes on the car that needed attention. (You know the old saying, the squeaky brakes get the grease ... or something like that.) There went the morning. Then an opportunity to obtain some free firewood that ulti
mately turned into an opportunity to brighten someone's day extended a seemingly mundane task into an afternoon adventure.

Still summer days offer much more daylight and yard work was finally incorporated into the schedule (after a trip to the DIY toystore.) A late start meant working until it was too dark to see the curb I was edging by hand. And yes, my muscles are complaining bitterly today.

And so, my effort to get back into the writing mode ... it's like eating an elephant... one story, one anecdote, one observation, one object lesson, one rant, at a time. So after a quick dinner, the writing begins again.

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