Friday, July 20, 2012

Eliminating negativity

Wow, that's very challenging!  However, what a difference it makes.  I just feel lighter and more hopeful when I do.  And I feel stymied and heavy when I don't.

There was a person I knew a few years ago (he has since passed away, sadly) that had to be the most positive person I've ever met.  He had the fortune of working in a very customer-oriented position with some of the most challenging clients one could have.  He was perfectly suited for the job, as there was no one and no circumstance that could alter his sunny disposition and positive outlook.  He never criticized or complained, even when he has much reason to complain or those with whom he dealt were simply knuckleheads.

I wish I would've asked him his secret to remaining so positive.  Yes, he was a man of faith.  And yes, his personality was one of a very service-oriented person.  It even came out after his death that he served in many other ways that no one even knew.  He was quite extraordinary for many reasons.

How does one stay so focused on positive thoughts, words and deeds?  How do you keep the negative thoughts from creeping in and spilling out in your conversation?  I guess it would start as would any good habit that you are trying to establish.

Awareness - we probably don't even realize when we are being negative.  If I pay attention and note those occasions when my speech is not uplifting or kind, then I will begin the process of change.

Focus - once it is established that there are incidents that need to be addressed, it must be a constant focus and reminder of what we are trying to accomplish.  Keep your eye on the prize - POSITIVITY.

Habit - creating the good habit with the above three steps.  And then not beating yourself up if you backslide a bit.  It happens.  You just get back on the horse and ride.

I am certain that I am much more pleasant to be around when I eliminate the negativity.  (Who likes to hear someone bitching all of the time?  Not me - so I owe the same courtesy to others.)

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