As the old saying goes - "if I knew then what I know now..." Given the living I've experienced thus far, I feel justified in reveling in wisdom. Clearly, I do NOT know everything - so let's get that out there right now. Yes, I'm still learning and will always continue to learn and have much, much more to learn.
Life is a learning experience ... that's what makes it so interesting. Each year has brought new insights, new discoveries, a mystery unfolded. It has been wonderful! And unpredictable. I'm glad. Being one that is not easily surprised, I appreciate that I don't always know what to expect.
And because I try to face everything with a positive attitude and I know that I will not be tested beyond my capability to endure whatever I must face, there are no horrible surprises awaiting. Certainly, there are times of discomfort and trial. Yet looking back through the years, nothing that is so extreme as to deter me along my journey. I would consider my 49 years to be truly blessed.
So looking forward to another half a century, I will take what I have learned and live up to my obligation to teach and help others. We can't let that hard-earned wisdom go to waste.
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