Monday, July 23, 2012

Envision II

I am in control of my finances and my financial future.  Money doesn't control me - I control my money.  I appreciate that I have some and that it affords me opportunities to share in my abundance and feel a sense of security. 

It is no shame to have financial means, especially for those who have used their skill, talents and intelligence to add value and receive a return for that value.  I add value to other people's lives and I deserve to have abundance and means to fulfill my dreams.

With the resources I have received, I am able to travel and visit family, provide assistance to those in need, invest in future returns and create a stable financial future for my family. 

This is on me and I create my reality.  My reality is abundance.  It is a right and an obligation to pursue happiness and in turn, share in that abundance.  Having money and financial health is an indicator of one's well-being on other levels as well.  Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy spirit ... all go hand in hand with prosperity and wealth.  All are indicators of what is going on inside - the inner world is reflected by the outer world.

I seize the opportunities that come my way and make the most of them.

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